Admission Policy and Procedures

The Ark will accept children from Reception to Year 6 for Breakfast Club and from Reception to year 3 for After School Club. We can accept regular bookings and casual/ ad hoc bookings. Under this arrangement, the parent / guardian can email The Ark to request a ‘one-off’ place for a child, up until 24 hours before the required session. Provision will be based on availability and is not guaranteed. 

To enquire about availability for regular bookings please contact our Business Manager and for casual bookings please contact either the Breakfast or After School Leader depending on which sessions you require.  Details can be found on the Contact us  page.

For all new Ark users, an Online Registration Form must be completed upon joining, and for each subsequent year at re-registration in June.  The form for throughout the year can be found at the bottom of this page. Re registration forms and registration for September will be sent to parents' separately.

Children can be booked into the club as either ‘regular’ or ‘ad-hoc’. The Ark will operate a policy of admitting children in the following order of preference:

1. Looked after children or children who were previously looked after but immediately after being looked after became subject to an adoption, residence, or special guardianship order. (as per LEA guidelines)

2. Ark Director of more than 3 months.

3. Staff member of St Bede C of E Primary school

4. Existing Ark user (registering same days and make regular use of Ark sessions allocated to them). For the 2024 admissions we will be treating your existing days at ABC club as Existing Ark user.

5. Siblings of above.

6. Existing users swapping days (same number of days).

7. Chronological order of application (date registration form received at re-registration time/position on waiting list throughout the rest of the year).

The Breakfast and After School Club are treated separately so if a child attends the Breakfast Club and they require an after school place this does not give ‘regular user’ priority (and vice versa). The link for re-registration will be sent out yearly in June/July by email firstly to existing Ark attendees and siblings, then those on the waiting list and then new users. There will be a date for forms to be returned by and then spaces will be allocated according to the above criteria.

To ensure children feel settled and happy at The Ark, children can visit The Ark a few times before starting sessions with their parents, we also 'buddy up' children to ensure your child has another child to look after them and ask parents to help their children complete an 'All about me' form so your child's keyworker can find out children's interests before they start. All children are allocated a Keyworker who will keep an eye on your child and who you can talk to about your child at anytime.

Should you be unable to secure your child a place for the day you would like, your child will be placed on The Ark waiting list. You will be contacted by the Business Manager if a place becomes available.


The Ark is a non-profit making enterprise and is entirely self-funding; we aim to keep our fees to a minimum, whilst still raising enough income to cover our running costs

Fee structure 2023/24 as of September 2023

Fees are charged at:

After school: standard rate £14.30, sibling rate £13.20

Friday after school: standard rate £9.40, sibling rate £8.30

Breakfast: standard rate £8.00, sibling rate £7.40

The Club recognises that childcare can be costly, so we encourage eligible parents or carers to claim the childcare element of the Working Tax Credit/Universal Credit. We are also registered to accept childcare vouchers and payments through the Tax-Free Childcare scheme.

Fees are payable monthly in advance.

Fees can be paid by electronic BACS transfer, tax free childcare or childcare vouchers. We do not accept cheques.

We offer a discount for siblings, this is applied to each child.

Please contact us before registering at